Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

“The Best Decision of My Life”: Italian Actress Rejected Abortion Amid Pressure While Making Film

Ornella Muti: “They recommended I have an abortion to make a film.” These were the words of the actress in a recent interview.

Ornella Muti, also known as Francesca Romana Rivelli, recently told the Italian entertainment news outlet Oggi the highlights of her career as an actress, both in cinema and on television.

Ornella Muti: “They recommended I have an abortion to make a film.”

She began her career at the age of 14 after being chosen by director Damiano Damiani. She then became an unwed mother at 18, and it wasn’t easy at all.

“My mother warned me about the responsibilities of motherhood. Even if abortion was illegal in Italy, abroad it could be done easily and even my film agent at the time recommended it to me, because I had to make a film – her words,” Muti told Oggi.

“Would I have to have an abortion to make a movie? Absolutely not! So I decided to carry the pregnancy to term. And it was the best decision of my life.”

Finally, Muti discussed her daughter Naike: “I’ve always felt the need to have her close. She is very dedicated to me: she manages many things in my work, for example. When she was born, I was not only small in age, but above all, small in mind. Maybe that’s why I still have some infantile traits.”

Let us praise God for her decision to choose life! 🙌

Prayer for the Unborn

Heavenly Father, in Your love for us,
protect against the wickedness of the devil,
those helpless little ones
to whom You have given the gift of life.

Touch with pity the hearts of those women
pregnant in our world today
who are not thinking of motherhood.

Help them to see that the child they carry
is made in Your image – as well as theirs –
made for eternal life.

Dispel their fear and selfishness
and give them true womanly hearts
to love their babies and give them birth
and all the needed care that a mother can give.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord,
Who lives and reigns with You and Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever.


Prayer source: EWTN