Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Satanic Abortion Ritual’ in New Mexico

SANTA FE, N.Mex. ( – The governor of New Mexico, a self-identifying Catholic, launched a taxpayer-funded hotline that refers abortion-minded mothers to The Satanic Temple’s burgeoning abortuary network.

The Satanic Temple (TST)

In a recent report, New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAL) exposed the connection between the hotline and what The Satanic Temple (TST) calls “TST Health,” which the TST website boasts is “the world’s first religious abortion clinic.”

“Why are taxpayers of New Mexico forced to promote the satanic temple religious abortion center through the pro-abortion governor’s hotline?” asked Elisa Martinez, the executive director of NMAL. 

“Is the state of New Mexico fully disclosing to women that ‘TST Health’ is a satanic ritualistic abortion center and that abortion is not a life-saving procedure — that it involves the ending of an innocent human life?” she added.

Pro-Abort Governor

New Mexico’s governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, launched the taxpayer-funded hotline earlier this month to help women connect with abortuaries and provide transportation, with “TST Health” among the listed providers.

The New Mexico Department of Health’s website states:

The hotline is staffed by nurses who can answer questions and connect you to health care. The hotline is open weekdays from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. MST and weekends 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Help is available for people of all genders and ages. We can help people from any state. You will not be asked any information about citizenship. Multiple languages are available, including Spanish. 

Grisham has been New Mexico’s governor since 2019. She is vehemently pro-abortion. In her 2022 run for re-election, Mini Timmaraju, the president of the abortion-lobby group NARAL Pro-Choice America, enthusiastically endorsed her.

(L to R) Michelle Lujan Grisham and Mini Timmaraju


“In our post-Roe world, governors play a crucial role in determining the reality of abortion access in a state — and that’s exactly why we need champions like Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham in office,” asserted Timmaraju.

Proudly accepting the endorsement, Grisham stated, “I will ensure New Mexico continues to be a safe haven for access and stand as a brick wall against those who seek to punish women and their families.” 

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade, New Mexico’s abortion rate has doubled. The number of babies killed in abortions went from 4,900 in 2021 to 11,000 in 2022. This year, so far, 5,300 babies have been killed in New Mexico. 

‘Satanic Abortion Ritual’ 

TST launched its first tele-abortuary — a virtual appointment for receiving abortion pills — in New Mexico on Valentine’s Day (Feb. 14) of 2023. It is called “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic.” 

 In a press release at the time, Malcolm Jarry, a cofounder of TST, asserted, “In 1950, Samuel Alito’s mother did not have options, and look what happened.” Samuel Alito is a U.S. Supreme Court justice.

“Prior to 1973, doctors who performed abortions could lose their licenses and go to jail,” he added. “The clinic’s name serves to remind people just how important it is to have the right to control one’s body and the potential ramifications of losing that right.”

According to TST’s website, the tele-abortuary was launched to “provide virtual appointments and guidance for those who wish to participate in TST’s Satanic Abortion Ritual in states where abortion has been banned.”

Santa Fe’s Archbishop

Church Militant reached out to the Santa Fe archdiocese for comment but received no response as of press time. 

Santa Fe’s Abp. John Wester

In 2022, John Block, who is currently serving the 51st state district in the New Mexico House of Representatives but was the Republican nominee for it at the time, asked Santa Fe’s Abp. John Wester to take “swift disciplinary action” against Gov. Grisham owing to her staunch, anti-Catholic support of abortion.

“Our faith is the only thing we have left,” Block wrote in an email to the archbishop.

“It is what has carried the Church through centuries of persecution and toil, and it is what will carry us through today,” he added. “If the Church refuses to stand firm now on this bedrock principle to save the most vulnerable, then our faith is lost.” 

Satanic Abortion Rituals will continue … without any opposition from Abp. Wester.

Wester responded, “While I do not know you, I presume your request is made for sincerely held religious beliefs and not for punitive or political reasons. In any case, I will not deny the governor Holy Communion.”

He cited guidelines outlined by Cdl. Robert McElroy. Those guidelines blatantly contradict canon law.

The archbishop is one of the country’s most vociferous pro-LGBT prelates. For example, he served as U.S. liaison to the pro-homosexual and heretical United States Association of Catholic Priests and cosigned “God is On Your Side: A Statement from Catholic Bishops on Protecting LGBT Youth.”

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News Report: From Miter to Pulpit

In 2022, regarding the baptism of children being raised by same-sex couples, Wester posited:

I suspect that same-sex couples’ children are refused baptism because a judgment has been made that they cannot raise their child in the Catholic faith as L.G.B.T.Q. parents. This is not true. It is true that same-sex couples cannot live up to the understanding of marriage intended by God and taught by the church in every respect, but we must admit that no couple can ever live up to this understanding in every respect.

Wester will travel to Japan with Seattle’s Abp. Paul Etienne at the end of this month for what they are calling a “Pilgrimage of Peace.” The two will visit Tokyo, Akita, Kyoto, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where Wester hopes to “encourage conversation about universal, verifiable nuclear disarmament.”

In the meantime, so-called Satanic Abortion Rituals will continue in New Mexico — apparently without any opposition from Abp. Wester.

— Campaign 31877 —