Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Majority of religious sisters in US are now 80 or over; more are age 95+ than under 40 (USCCB)

Supplementing data made public earlier this week, the National Religious Retirement Office of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has published a statistical report.

Page 4 presents a detailed age distribution of numbers of men and women religious in the US as of December 31, 2022. There are 380 women’s institutes with 24,965 members, and 126 men’s institutes with 7,270 members. Over half of women religious—13,621 out of 24,965—are 80 or over.

There are 1,788 religious under the age of 40: 944 women and 844 men. There are more religious sisters who are 95 or over (1,052) than there are under the age of 40 (944).