Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope to young people at World Youth Day: God calls your authentic, not virtual, self (CNS)

On August 3, the second day of his apostolic journey to Portugal, Pope Francis addressed students at the Catholic University of Portugal and encouraged them to “attend to the planet and the poor.”

Later in the morning, he met with young people of Scholas Occurrentes at the local Scholas headquarters in Cascais. Founded in Buenos Aires by the future Pope Francis and now a pontifical foundation, Scholas Occurrentes is a youth education movement. The Pontiff listened to the testimony of young people of different religions, put the finishing touches on a banner that symbolizes unity in diversity, and told the youth not to be afraid to get their hands dirty.

Early in the evening, Pope Francis addressed 500,000 young people at World Youth Day’s welcome ceremony at Eduardo VII Park. “God is calling you by name,” he said, as he reflected on a passage from St. Luke’s Gospel.