Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Indian police investigate priest over remarks on 17th-century Indian ruler (Hindustan Times)

Police in the southwestern Indian state (map) are investigating whether Father Bolmax Pereira, committed the crimes of “deliberate acts to outrage religious feelings” and “intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace” when he preached that Shivaji, a 17th-century ruler, is not a god.

“While the Maratha warrior king was a national hero, some people had made him into a god,” the priest preached. “Yes, he’s a national hero. We have to honor and respect him. What he has done, the battles he has fought to protect his people, for all that he deserves respect. He is a hero, but not a god.”

After a video of his remarks went viral, Father Pereira said that his comments had been taken out of context.

“If any individual or organization has been hurt due to this episode and misunderstanding, I express my deepest regret and hope and pray that the long-lasting bond between communities that have existed for centuries is maintained and grows stronger,” he said.