Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

School Board Candidate Agitates With Fake Twitter Accounts

FAIRFAX COUNTY, Va. ( – Republican and Democratic parents are exposing a school board candidate in Virginia for making fake accounts on Twitter, now known as X, in an attempt to bully them and damage their reputations. 

Harry Jackson is a former Democrat running on a Republican ticket for the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) School Board. He offers himself as a conservative who, as he states on his campaign website, believes parents have rights and that “principles matter.”

But parents and principles do not seem to matter to Jackson when his candidacy is opposed, as evidenced in the cases of Stacy Langton, a Republican, and Vanessa Hall, a Democrat. 

Fake Accounts

The fake account for Stacy Langton was created on Twitter in March. Jackson used Langton’s maiden and married names, along with a picture of her at age 16 taken from her high school yearbook. 

The byline states, “Fan site dedicated to a failed actress from porn valley, born again christian [sic], homophob [sic] from two mothers, & media whore extraordinaire.” The account’s postings are protected, meaning only approved followers can see them. 

Stacy Langton

Stacy Langton told Church Militant she has “100% proof” Jackson made the phony account.

In fact, her attorney confirmed this when he sent Jackson a cease and desist letter. It stated: “As you are known to have accessed and used the account and have shown a pattern of continued hostility toward Ms. Langton, we are respectfully demanding that you delete the account and issue a public apology and retraction.”

On May 12, before Jackson changed the fake account’s profile picture to the hand symbol for “loser,” he posted on the Fairfax County Republicans’ Facebook page. In the comment section, Jackson sparred with GOP members and, using his cell phone, included screenshots of Twitter posts. Those screenshots show Jackson was logged in to Twitter using the fake “Stacy Langton Porn Actress” account with her high school yearbook picture. 

Original fake account (left) and fake account with updated profile image (right)

This kind of fraudulent activity is a crime in Virginia. It falls under §18.2–186.4: “Use of a person’s identity with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass.” It is a Class 1 misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 12 months and/or a fine of not more than $2,500.

Langton reported Jackson’s phony account once she became aware of its existence in May. The detective handling the case recently obtained a warrant.

Langton reported Jackson’s phony account once she became aware of its existence in May.

Vanessa Hall also explained how Jackson made a fake Twitter account to bully her. 

“Stacy and I agree on nothing politically,” Hall asserted. “We advocate for very different things. In very different ways. We also agree — we can all agree — parents who speak up should not be threatened or intimidated into silence.”

Political Intrigue 

Church Militant reported in 2022 on two candidates that were running for FCPS School Board. One of them was Harry Jackson, who held a fundraiser in March 2022 for Maud Maron, a Democratic congressional candidate in New York. 

Langton explained at the time that the Fairfax County GOP was being infiltrated by professional Democratic operatives, which she says remains the case at present.

In August 2022, Jackson dropped out of the race for the FCPS after appearing in a YouTube video that showed him and another candidate, Stephanie Lundquist-Arora, mocking an autistic student. The student was singing the national anthem at an FCPS meeting.

Harry Jackson’s Facebook post (left), Harry Jackson’s Twitter screenshots when arguing (middle), and
Harry Johnson clearly signed on to Twitter using his fake “Stacy Langton Porn Actress” account (right).

Asked by a reporter if his behavior was acceptable, Jackson answered, “Well, at the time, and that was a mistake and mistakes happen.” 

“No, that’s not [acceptable],” he added. “We didn’t realize at the time when we played the video of that student, that we thought that the school board to [sic] replay the national anthem. We didn’t know it was a student. We didn’t know what the student’s background was. No offense was intended.”

Jackson later re-entered the race in November, with Stephanie Lundquist-Arora as his campaign manager. Then, in March, TV station WUSA9 reported that Jackson was under fire again. This time, it was for appearing in a long conversation with a notorious White supremacy group called the Groypers.

Physical Abuse

In addition to the apparent political subterfuge, Jackson has a history of being arrested for violence against family members. 

ABC 7News reported in April that Jackson was arrested for assault and battery against his former wife in 2007 and again in 2010. In 2018, he was charged with assault and battery against his current wife. 

Jackson was arrested for assault and battery against his former wife in 2007 and again in 2010.

Jackson pleaded no contest to the 2018 abuse of his current wife. He was sentenced to probation and a 36-week batterer’s program, which he completed in October 2019.

Jackson declined an interview with ABC 7News. He supplied the following statement: “These people are certifiable, starved for attention, don’t have kids’ best interests at heart and make up falsehoods on Twitter.”

Church Militant reached out to Jackson for comment but received no response as of press time.

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