Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Never Forget There Is Only One Truth


Many of the world’s religions will be gathering in the coming days to meet and discuss, more or less, the evils of the world and what can be done. Of course, which religion you belong to could certainly influence your view of what is evil and what is not.

But laying that aside for the moment, there is certainly nothing wrong with religions cooperating with each other to address hunger and disease and so forth — as long as nothing objectively immoral is employed in that work.

However, while compromise for a greater end is OK for natural issues, when it comes to the supernatural, there can be no compromise by Catholics.

For example, Catholic and Protestant Americans can certainly work together to fight abortion, but they cannot work together to make a watered-down version of Christianity more palatable. There is no such thing as “Christianity by committee.”

In fact, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as Christianity outside of Catholicism. There is only One True Faith, and that Faith is the Catholic Faith.

There is only one Church. There is no such thing as a Protestant “church.” The Son of God established a Church — not thousands. Men established all those breakaways. But God, Who is One, established one.

So when news comes out in the coming days about religions working together to fight evils in the world, do not confuse that with joining together to create a mutually acceptable “theology.” There is no such thing.

To this end, we are happy to reach into our video vault and re-present to many of you who have not seen it this episode of Mic’d Up where we interview Dr. Ralph Martin about this very pressing topic.

Church Militant has hundreds and hundreds of episodes of pure, straight-up theology, the most authentic presentation of the Faith you’re likely to find in video format.

We highly encourage you to sign up now. Just click on that link to sign up and get your on-demand access to thousands of hours of straight-up Catholicism.

Now, sit back and enjoy, and learn from this latest offering from Church Militant.