Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope encourages pilgrims to ask themselves, ‘Who is Jesus for me?’ (Vatican Press Office)

During his August 27 Angelus address, Pope Francis reflected on Matthew 16:13-20, the Gospel reading of the day.

The Pope told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, “Today it will be good for us to repeat the decisive question, that comes out of his mouth: ‘Who do you’ – Jesus says to you – ‘who do you say that I am?’”

“In other words: who is Jesus for me?” the Pope continued. “An important figure, a point of reference, an unattainable model? Or is He God the Son, who walks by my side, who can lead me to the peak of holiness, that I cannot reach by myself?”

Pope Francis added, “Is Jesus truly living in my life, does Jesus live with me? Is He my Lord? Do I entrust myself to Him in moments of difficulty? Do I cultivate his presence through the Word, through the Sacraments? Do I let myself be guided by Him, together with my brothers and sisters, in the community?”