Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Church Militant Leads the Catholic Resistance

Leftist news organizations are proving the effectiveness of Church Militant’s resistance to the corruption in the Church hierarchy.

When Marxists are exposed and can’t respond with facts, they normally resort to slander, which is what happened to Church Militant after its recent success in exposing U.S. bishops’ complicity in the anti-Catholic Democratic agenda. 

Church Militant’s Michael Voris

Church Militant’s Michael Voris was speculated to be one of the Americans that Pope Francis charged with harboring “a very strong, organized, reactionary attitude” in an article picked up by The Washington Post, originally from Religion News Service.

The piece is titled “Pope Francis Chides His U.S. Critics — But Whom Does He Have In Mind?” It states: 

“Voris, the founder and president of Church Militant, a Catholic media outlet that has been accused of racism and homophobia, also anchors The Michael Voris Show, a web-based video that accused the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for profiting from human trafficking (a criticism of the bishops’ helping migrants at the border) and generally “destroying America by promoting Marxist communism.”

It adds: 

Steve Bannon, Milo Yiannopoulos and Marjorie Taylor Greene

Voris has aligned with right-wing political figures such as Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos, a sometime ally of Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has also attacked the pope. In 2021, Voris invited Bannon and Yiannopoulos to speak at a protest against the USCCB’s fall meeting in Baltimore, prompting a legal battle with city officials, who tried to stop the event out of fear it would incite violence.

The Marxist media is making Church Militant, and those who want to expose and rid the institutional Church of its many corruptions, out to be the bad guys. Upholding Catholic teaching in order to promote the common good and salvation of souls is now seemingly being deemed “racism and homophobia,” charges never substantiated in the hit piece. The Left would apparently rather we (and you) not call out evil. The attacks on Church Militant prove that the resistance to globalist agendas is working and that direct opposition is the only way to bring about change. 

The Left hates Jesus and His Church, but it refuses to call out many of the real problems within the institution.

The strawman — out-of-context attacks on Church Militant — is a leftist tactic used against those who oppose the anti-God agenda. Church Militant’s goal is to promote the Faith, but that cannot be done properly without also calling out corruption from those inside the Church who are leading souls astray. The Left hates Jesus and His Church, but it refuses to call out many of the real problems within the institution. 

Church Militant does not oppose the pope or his authority. The attempt to pit us against the Holy Father is leftist propaganda. Church Militant’s mission statement reads:

Under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel, the mission of Church Militant is to promote the Faith given to humanity by Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Messiah. This Faith is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church led by the successor to St. Peter, Pope Francis. Church Militant aims to provide everyone with means to increase their personal holiness through catechesis and evangelization about the truth of the Christian faith. We aim to convert non-Catholics to the Faith founded personally by Jesus Christ, and strengthen the faith of existing Catholics. Church Militant aims to achieve this by bringing Jesus Christ to the internet through the use of digital media.

The author of the speculative piece, Jack Jenkins, was one of the media reporters in attendance at the Deposit of Faith Coalition’s July press conference in Washington, D.C., which called for the defunding of the “religious Left,” with an emphasis on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. 

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Defund the Bishops

Jenkins published the article titled “In Targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans Amplify Right-Wing Catholic Fringe” soon after the D.C. news event. Jenkins penned in the article: 

The antipathy for Catholic Charities came up again last summer, when Michael Voris, founder of the conservative Catholic website Church Militant, interviewed Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, a self-described Christian nationalist and former Catholic who converted to evangelicalism. Voris, whose organization has referred to Catholic Charities as an “enemy of the people,” complained to Greene about the American bishops supporting immigrant aid through religious agencies such as Catholic Relief Services and Catholic Charities. Greene responded by framing the work as “Satan controlling the church.”

He went on to write:

Most recently, in Washington on Thursday (July 20), members of the Deposit of Faith Coalition, a group of activists who object to the direction the U.S. Catholic bishops are taking and accuse them of “standing with Marxists,” called on Congress — and particularly appropriations committees — to stop granting contracts to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities.

Following the July press conference, conservative media outlets began to understand the USCCB’s corruption and expose the ways in which it is profiting from Democratic agendas. Church Militant’s expertise in exposing the evils of those who claim Jesus but do the work of Satan continues to bear fruit as the battle for souls rages on.

— Campaign 31877 —