Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

From Human Trafficking Hero to Senate Hopeful

SALT LAKE CITY ( – The real-life inspiration behind the hit film Sound of Freedom is thinking about running for U.S. Senate.

Tim Ballard and Sen. Mitt Romney

Tim Ballard, the man behind the movie and founder of Operation Underground Railroad, is considering the bid on the heels of a recent announcement by Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, indicating that the incumbent will not seek reelection.

Ballard, a former agent for the Department of Homeland Security and a tireless opponent of human trafficking and child exploitation, expressed his interest in the Senate seat on the Sean Spicer Show.

This is not the first time Ballard’s name has made headlines recently.

On Sept. 14, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., another vocal opponent of child trafficking, demanded the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) reschedule screenings of Sound of Freedom after the military canceled those screenings earlier in the month.

The military claimed those cancellations were based on concerns related to copyright infringement and allegations the hit film was somehow linked to QAnon conspiracy theory.

But Rubio argued the copyright concerns have been adequately addressed. He further underscored that the film earned over $200 million at the box office and that the producers and distributors had consented to the screenings, emphasizing the Department of Defense often collaborates with movie companies for showings on military facilities.


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The Download: Movie Highlights Crisis of Children Being Trafficked

The showings were initially scheduled for Aug. 28 and Oct. 19. Though the military decided to cancel the screenings at its headquarters, it encouraged interested parties to attend local theater showings.

The central theme of Sound of Freedom revolves around the horror of human trafficking and abuse, particularly within SOUTHCOM’s area of responsibility.

Tim Ballard’s journey from fighting child exploitation to political aspirations adds new interest to the controversy surrounding Sound of Freedom and the movie’s powerful message regarding the urgent need to combat human trafficking and exploitation of God’s children, who, as the movie proclaims, “are not for sale.”

In 2013, Ballard founded the nonprofit organization Operation Underground Railroad, which has helped liberate thousands of children from sex trafficking rings. He resigned from the organization in June and founded another organization called The SPEAR Fund.

An investigation released by Vice News on Monday, however, maintains that Ballard left OUR after more than seven women in the organization accused him of sexual misconduct.

OUR did respond to Vice News and maintained, “The OUR Board of Directors received the letter 12 months ago and after a thorough investigation, found zero evidence to corroborate the allegations contained in the letter.”

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