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Archbishop of Milan issues pastoral guidance for same-sex unions (National Catholic Register)

Archbishop Mario Deplini of Milan has issued a set of pastoral guidelines that urge care for those in same-sex relationships.

The archbishop’s pastoral plan states that “particularly delicate attention given modern-day sensibilities must be devoted to accompanying and understanding the experience of love and the different nuances of attraction, both to people of different genders and to people of the same gender.”

This guidance, setting policy for Europe’s largest archdiocese, was released just in advance of the October meeting of the Synod on Synodality, which is expected to take up the question of same-sex relationships.

From the beginning of the 20th century up to the present, every Archbishop of Milan (including two future Roman Pontiffs) has been named a cardinal soon after his installation—if he was not a cardinal already. Archbishop Delpini, who took office in 2007, has not yet received a red hat.