Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Papal praise for Cardinal O’Malley’s work on sex-abuse crisis (Vatican Press Office)

Pope Francis paid tribute to Cardinal Sean O’Malley for his leadership in confronting the sex-abuse crisis, as he spoke on September 25 to a delegation of the Latin American Research and Training Commission for the Protection of Minors.

“The abuses that have affected the Church are but a pale reflection of a sad reality that involves all of humanity and to which the necessary attention is not paid,” the Pope said. Then, turning his attention to Cardinal O’Malley, who was present at the meeting, he continued:

I think I can say that the Church has made sufficient progress on this path, and will not cease to do so, and this is due to prophetic pastors, a cardinal, who was able to grasp a nettle such as Boston at that time, and go ahead, focusing his care not on the money but on the people and the hurt children. And that is why I want to thank you publicly, Your Eminence, for what you have done.

Cardinal O’Malley, who at the age of 79 is well past retirement age, has chaired the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors since its inception in 2014.