Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

‘Sinners yes, corrupt no’: papal reflection on parable of the two sons (Vatican Press Office)

During his October 1 Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis reflected on Matthew 21:28-32, the Gospel reading of the day.

In reflecting on the parable of the two son, Pope Francis described the first son (who said he would work for his father, but did not) as corrupt, and the second son (who said he would not work for his father, but did) as a sinner who was sincere.

“Let us look at ourselves now and, in the light of all this, ask ourselves some questions,” Pope Francis said to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square. “When I make a mistake, am I willing to repent and retrace my steps? Or do I pretend everything is okay and go through life wearing a mask, concerning myself only about appearing good and righteous?”

He concluded, “Finally, am I a sinner, like everyone, or is there something corrupt in me? Do not forget: sinners yes, corrupt no. May Mary, mirror of holiness, help us be sincere Christians.”