Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Abuse survivors demand that Pope Francis remove ‘totally inappropriate’ Cardinal Fernández from office (Crux)

Representatives of Ending Clergy Abuse and the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) gathered in Rome and urged Pope Francis to “rescind the appointment” of Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández as prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and his elevation as cardinal (video of protest).

“To us, Pope Francis demonstrates not only poor judgment, but also gross disrespect to Catholic victims around the world, by these appointments” as prefect and cardinal, SNAP said in a statement. The prelate’s “response to the victims of Fr. Eduardo Lorenzo makes him a totally inappropriate fit for both positions.”

In 2019, when he was archbishop of La Plata (Argentina), Cardinal Fernández permitted Father Lorenzo to remain as pastor of his parish despite multiple abuse allegations. He also publicly questioned the motives of parents and others who raised concerns about Father Lorenzo.

In addition, when the future Cardinal Fernández was a parish priest, he published his own erotic poetry in Heal Me with Your Mouth, a book he described as a “small youth catechism” that he wrote for the adolescents of his parish.