Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Catholics Help Halt Satanic Concert at Statehouse

As our Church and State continue descending into chaos, demonic forces become more emboldened in their efforts to blaspheme and promote degeneracy. Thankfully, faithful Catholics in Indiana won’t allow the satanic crusade to move forward unabated.

Satanic Planet at the Indianapolis Statehouse

On Thursday, Sept. 28, faithful Catholics gathered outside the Indianapolis Statehouse to offer prayers of reparation for the demonic activity taking place inside.

Satanic Planet, a band with ties to The Satanic Temple, performed at Indiana’s Statehouse. The show was part of TST’s “Let Us Burn” tour, a counter to conservative Christian musician Sean Feucht’s tour “Let Us Worship.” Satanic Planet claims that, in the name of pluralism and religious liberty, it should be allowed to perform at the same state capitols that have accommodated Feucht.

The band performed in the statehouse’s north atrium to an audience of a couple of dozen, some of whom were dressed in blasphemous and satanic garb. Dressed in black robes and devil wings, the performers blasted their obnoxious musical incantations to scattered applause from attendees and even some members of the statehouse security.

Over a dozen Catholics participated in prayer outside, while others made their presence known in the statehouse.

Vicki Yamasaki, Church Militant Resistance captain for Indianapolis, Indiana, who’s also the founder and board chairman of Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace, organized Catholics to prayerfully protest the event. Over a dozen Catholics participated in prayer outside, while others made their presence known in the statehouse.

Those gathered outside held images of Our Lady and St. Michael the Archangel as they circled the building and prayed the Rosary. The prayers of reparation culminated in lay deliverance prayers that blessed and consecrated the statehouse building to Our Lord Jesus Christ through His precious blood.

Yamasaki also coordinated with St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church to hold Mass and adoration in conjunction with the event, so those unable to attend in person could still pray. Church Militant Resistance members aboard the recent Fall Retreat at Sea also requested Holy Mass be offered in reparation for the blasphemy.

Satanic Temple Invades Indiana Statehouse: St. Michael Defend Us!

Immediately following the conclusion of the prayer procession, the demonic music was cut short because of noise complaints, but not before the Satanists performed an anointing ritual. Concert attendees processed one by one to the front of the room and received an upside-down cross painted on their foreheads by the hooded Satanists. This eerily mirrors the anointing from the bishop during the sacrament of confirmation. It appears the Satanists wanted to officially “initiate” their followers in attendance.

We are in the midst of a spiritual battle and must take appropriate action to combat evil on all fronts.

One playful protester correctly pointed out how Satanism ties into other ideologies we see rampant in our culture. He also offered a message of hope, pointing out the fact that there are faithful people willing to push back:

I [am] sad for those caught up in Satanism, but I’m also filled with joy and gratitude because as we see in Ezekiel chapter 3, God calls us to go and witness to those who are wicked and have fallen away, and that’s what we did. We called them to conversion. … Whether it’s abortion, transgenderism, the LGBTQ movement, Satanism, they are all tentacles of the same octopus. It’s all of darkness and from the devil. Today was a glorious day for the body of Christ to bring and bear witness to the love of Christ.

Protecting the State Capitol From Satan’s Grasp

Another attendee, who worked with various levels of the Indiana state government, called the event “abominable” and put forth a call to action for all Catholics, saying, “We must demand that this never be allowed to happen again. Our government, our state government, our constitution are based on trust in God, not Satan.”

Always remember that we are in the midst of a spiritual battle, and we must take appropriate action to combat evil on all fronts. As the Left continues to employ the demonic to assault its opponents, we must rely on our faith to protect us and fight back.

Church Militant Resistance is a grassroots movement that helps Catholics connect, develop and take action. Our goal is to resist and reverse the evil that has infiltrated our Church and culture.
— Campaign 31877 —