Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Catholics Have Failed to Understand Scripture


Just a reminder that Church Militant has the best, most insightful coverage of Pope Francis’ synod underway in Rome this month.

Our Rome correspondent, Jules Gomes, breaks down the happenings each day in our popular program Rome Dispatch, hosted by Brad Eli. Click on the provided link below each day to keep up on everything.

Now, most Catholics have zero idea that St. Paul was a social warrior, clamoring for Catholics to not sit on their keisters and get busy with changing the world. It wasn’t about just getting to Heaven individually for Paul; it was about initiating the kingdom of Heaven here on earth — right here, right now.

Catholics, as a whole, are among the most complacent, sit-back-and-let-the-world-happen types that you will ever meet. Maybe a hundred years or so ago, that could pass, but with the communist agenda seizing massive control around the globe, there needs to be a wildly new approach. And Paul lays it out in his letter to the Ephesians.

Church Militant is offering our first-ever masterclass, on Ephesians!

The problem is so few Catholics even crack open the Bible that they have no idea that Paul is sounding the alarm about getting in the fight in this world. Spiritual warfare happens in the temporal world. What makes it spiritual is the effects are everlasting. But the dirty work happens right here on earth, right now.

For this reason, Church Militant is offering our first-ever masterclass on the Bible — specifically, St. Paul’s letters to the Ephesians where the great apostle is crystal clear about all this. It’s available to you live, starting on Oct. 22 and running for the following six consecutive Sundays at 4 p.m. ET. Classes will be on Zoom, but will be downloadable for those of you who can’t be present during live sessions. One ticket covers your whole household, so homeschooling families, bring your kids for a college-level biblical theology education.

So please sign up for this special offering from Church Militant today by just clicking on the provided link. Make this a priority. Spend a few hours in a class setting actually learning, and stop being passive. The world is falling apart and too few seem to know or care to do anything about it. Don’t let that be you.