Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Happy Islamic Global Jihad Day!


Just a brief reminder, Church Militant is on the ground in Rome bringing you every bit of what you need to know about the synod every weekday. Our Rome correspondent Jules Gomes reviews the day’s happenings on Church Militant’s rome dispatch, hosted here in Detroit by our own Brad Eli. There’s a link here in the Vortex every day for the month of October to their discussion and breakdown of the synod. Don’t miss a single episode of rome dispatch, a one-stop shopping for you each day on all the news from the synod, concise and straightforward.

Now, as of this recording on Friday afternoon, there are knife attacks in China and France, hundreds marching on the Israeli border in Jordan and Americans fearful of sending their kids to school, all due to Muslim terror group Hamas’ promised “day of rage.”

A point to note: It is in America’s large exclusively-Democrat-run cities where fears have run most high and police departments are on extra high alert — New York, for example. Now why would that be? The Democrats have styled themselves as the open-borders party, because they are.

Since Biden took office, an estimated (because no one really knows, which is scary all by itself) 5–7 million illegals have crossed over. And no one really knows where or who they are. There are simply no controls in place, and what few there are, are routinely ignored.

As the war in Gaza kicks into high gear, captured documents by Israeli soldiers reveal a massively coordinated and well-planned attack by Hamas — and get this, two years in the planning, coinciding with Biden’s becoming president.

It would be politically nuts to think that among those millions, there are not a few thousand (at the minimum) that are Muslim terrorists. Heck, isn’t that the entire reason a nation has borders to begin with, to keep out those it does not want in?

But the Democrats have thrown the doors wide open, and anything that happens as a result is on them. It’s true the GOP has been lackluster, despite all the bluster about the borders, in closing them down.

Democrats have thrown the doors wide open, and anything that happens as a result is on them.

Remember all the opposition to Trump’s wall from within the party: “We cant afford it”; “it’s too much money.” Then most of them turned around and shoveled hundreds and hundreds of billions off to Zelensky right along with the Democrats.

But that said, it has been the Democrats who own this insanity, the party that wants to undermine the republic, best represented by their messiah, Obama, who worked tirelessly for eight years to populate every nook and cranny of Washington with America-hating leaders. But none of these policies could have become effective if not for the role of the bishops and their phony reading and preaching of Church teaching, which explicitly says nations have a right to secure their borders.

As Church Militant has excruciatingly detailed, even helping organize a July press conference to help get the word out, the U.S. bishops have gotten billions and billions of dollars rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, millions and millions of them.

Their dirty work has been handled largely by their socialist gang at Catholic Charities, which is beginning to take flak from members of Congress, like Rep. Lance Gooden of Texas, who’s insisted on accountability for the billions shoveled directly into the organization’s coffers by the federal government.

It is not anti-Catholic for members of Congress to demand an accounting of U.S. tax dollars flowing like a torrent into the treasure chest of bishops. This has nothing to do with anti-Catholicism. Heck, millions of faithful Catholics want the bishops’ role in this to end immediately.

It is the bishops who have profited off the perversion of the teaching, refilling their coffers after having paid out billions for child sex abuse cases, another thing they have managed to avoid necessary scrutiny about. That’s another story. But now, as the enormity of the picture increases, Democrat cities across America are holding their collective breath that nothing truly horrible happens to citizens as the “day of rage” dawns.

If some killing and violence happens, the Democrats and their bishop allies will have only themselves to blame.