Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Lead bishop for environment makes plea to UK prime minister ahead of COP28 (CBCEW)

Bishop John Arnold of Salford, the Lead Bishop for Environmental Issues of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, has written a letter to UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak ahead of COP28, the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Bishop Arnold called on Prime Minister Sunak to “take a real global leadership role in this area for the sake of future generations.”

“The rich tradition of Catholic social thought recognizes that securing the common good is the responsibility of all individuals and institutions in society, and that problems are too complex to be solved by central Government alone,” the prelate added. “I hope that, in addition to working towards reconfigured multilateralism, you will also consider approaches to the climate crisis which further champion and encourage action at the local and civil society group level, which the Catholic Church in England and Wales stands ready to support.”