Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Biden Aiding Censorship but Won’t Help Americans


I heard on the internet, and you won’t hear it on major Marxist media outlets (not reported or even discussed), that

More than 9 million children in America face hunger with no food — Biden hasn’t asked for an aid package for them 
34,000 veterans in America are homeless — Biden hasn’t asked for an aid package for them 
8 million Americans are working two jobs to afford inflation — Biden hasn’t asked for an aid package for them 
The U.S. southern border is being overrun, and Border Patrol can’t keep up with record numbers — Biden hasn’t asked for an aid package for them 
61% of Americans can’t afford to buy a house to raise a family — Biden hasn’t asked for an aid package for them.
The U.S. tax system is nothing but a giant bank for everyone except Americans. How much longer can we sustain this?

Those straightforward and truthful observations are coming from Twitter account Travis, who happens to be about 50 miles up the road from us here at Church Militant. He’s a good dude.

Major media, Giant Tech and Big Social Media can’t let those kinds of discussions break out, because they evolve into further more-pressing questions, which, in the end, lead to the unraveling of the carefully constructed Marxist narrative, a narrative whose sole purpose is to keep people dumb so they can be controlled. 

Marxism is from Hell.

Marxism is from Hell because its single starting point, its foundational principle, is denying the inherent God-given dignity of every human being. Marxism is atheistic by its very nature. There’s no escaping that. And since its author is the Devil, we know, as Our Blessed Lord told us, “There is no truth in him. He was a liar and a murderer from the beginning.”

So no shock here that his disciples traffic in lies and the suppression of the truth. Truth today is censored across the board, and this is increasing around the world, with governments and social media and Big Tech using the excuse that they are not harming us, but actually protecting us from disinformation or misinformation.

Of course, they are the ones that get to determine for you and me what the truth is and what qualifies as misinformation, a convenient little fact they leave out. There is much in the world today the communist Democrats don’t want you knowing, because it exposes them.

This is why they are so heavily into censorship and canceling left and right.  It’s truth they’re censoring and trying to cancel. And those who love the truth, you and me, need to come up with ways to circumvent them.

So we are happy to announce we are rolling out our newly redesigned Church Militant app, which you need to download to your phone, Android or iPhone, right now to start getting notifications from us where we draw your attention to breaking news or various stories we think you should know about in real time.

A host of policy and agenda items the Left constantly labels as “disinformation” are actually extremely Catholic positions, and we report on these each day here. They involve the advancement of fundamental principles of God-given human dignity, and you need to know about all of this.

Ultimately, the role of any news media outlet is to bring you the truth of what’s going on so you can be the instrument of change. But it’s hard to get info to you when those who control various sites are censoring the info and canceling the outfits.

The role of any news media outlet is to bring you the truth.

The Church Militant app provides an end run around that cancelation and puts the truth straight into your hands via your phone. It’s power, literally in your hands, because truth is power, the most powerful power there is. So please go to your app store on your phone and search for Church Militant and install our brand new shiny app so you can be up to date on everything as it happens.

You can do the same with Android phones using the Google Play store. Just search for Church Militant there and hit “install.” It’s easy peasy. It takes just a jiffy.

This is one of our Church Militant contributions to fighting back against the censorship-industrial complex — pushing back, going on the offensive.

Every day, as I’ve said earlier, multiple times a day, my own phone goes off with alerts from multiple media outlets with this story or that. I have their apps on my phone. I have it set for the bad guys as well as the good, because in our day to day here, we need to know what the bad guys are saying so we can combat it.

So please go to your phone’s app store right now, as soon as this Vortex is over, search for Church Militant and download the app. Then we are in direct contact with you, skipping right over the censorship-industrial complex and can put vital info, the truth, straight into your hands.

Please go download the app right now and let’s get this rolling.