The following reflections, contained in the embedded video, were offered by Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta in Menzingen, Switzerland on November 2, 2018.

The divine sacrifice of the Mass contains and immolates the same Jesus Christ who offered Himself on the Cross, but without the shedding of blood.
Through Him we obtain mercy and find grace, succor, and blessing.
Let us draw near to God with a contrite and penitent heart, with a right faith, and in a spirit of fear and respect.
The Mass is offered for the sins, the sorrows, the satisfactions, and other necessities of the faithful.
The Mass is offered for the living and for those who have died in Jesus Christ, and who are not yet entirely purified.
There is nothing more beautiful, greater, and holier than offering Holy Mass for the living and for the dead.
It is the perfect act of divine worship, the only one capable of reconciling men with God.
The holy sacrifice of the Mass relieves the souls in purgatory.
The Holy Mass spreads on sinners the fruits of Christ’s Passion and all the benefits of heaven.

Clad in the Catholic priesthood, the priest receives the power to offer the holy sacrifice of the Mass for the living and the dead.

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