Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

The Vatican State Launches “Ecological Conversion 2030” Program

The Vatican City State claims to have been committed for many years to promoting sustainable development through ecological policies aimed at safeguarding the environment and providing energy saving strategies.

By applying the principles of Laudato si’ and Laudate Deum, it is one of the first states in the world to pursue sustainability projects by seeking solutions that help change the way of working in the protection of the Common Home.

Vatican City has adopted projects which, through the use of environmentally friendly technologies, make it possible to concretely reduce the impact of human activity.

The ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreements constitute the bridge between environmental policies and the recommendations of the Holy Father. The Governorate of Vatican City is committed to achieving climate neutrality.

The means will be the responsible use of natural resources, the implementation of projects aimed at energy efficiency, and the modernization of technological assets, sustainable transport, diversification and the supply of cleaner or alternative energy products for transport, the elimination of waste, and the development of future concrete reforestation projects.

Electric Vehicles in the Vatican fleet

To achieve neutrality, it will be necessary to invest in technological structures using renewable energies, to offset the emissions produced in one sector and reduce them in another, but above all to promote electric and hybrid transport.

This is why the government launched a sustainable transport development program entitled “Ecological Conversion 2030,” which aims to reduce the CO2 impact of the vehicle fleet. It aims to gradually replace State vehicles with electric vehicles, with the aim of making its vehicle fleet impact-free by 2030.

It also aims to set up its own charging network on the State territory and in offshore areas and to extend its use to its employees; and finally to ensure that its energy needs come exclusively from renewable energy sources.

Ultimately, it is nothing other than the implementation of the program of the new world order imposed through the United Nations Agenda 2030.

A Strategic Partner for Sustainable Mobility

The Volkswagen Group – which aims to become a zero-carbon company by 2050 and reduce the carbon footprint of its vehicles by 30% by 2030 – is the first strategic partner of the vehicle fleet renewal project of the Vatican through medium and long term rentals. A partnership agreement was signed on November 16 with the Volkswagen group as part of the sustainable transport development program, which is one of the measures taken by the government to concretely reduce the impact of human activity on the environment.

The Vatican City State has announced the launch of a series of energy saving initiatives and environmental safeguarding strategies derived from Laudato si’ and Laudate Deum. The measure is part of the objectives of the United Nations Agenda 2030.