Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Do not choose fear, but trust in the Lord, Pope tells pilgrims (Vatican Press Office)

Reflecting on the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), which was the Gospel reading of the day, Pope Francis said on November 19 that “this is the crossroads we face with God: fear or trust.”

“And we, like the protagonists of the parable – all of us – have received talents, all of us, far more precious than money,” Pope Francis said to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for his Sunday Angelus address. “But much of how we invest them depends on our trust in the Lord, which frees our hearts, makes us active and creative in goodness.”

He concluded, “Finally, also as Church: do we cultivate a climate of trust, of mutual esteem in our environments, that helps us to move forward together, that unlocks people and stimulates the creativity of love in everyone? Let us think about it. And may the Virgin Mary help us to overcome fear – never be afraid of God! Awe, yes; fear, no – and to trust the Lord.”