Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Papal message: Christ’s ‘communication is true because it is inspired by love’ (Vatican Press Office)

Pope Francis reflected on digital culture in a message to participants in the 13th Festival of the Social Doctrine of the Church (Italian website), which took place in Verona.

The Vatican released the November 5 message nearly three weeks after it was written. In the message, the Pope commented on the festival’s theme, “#soci@lmente liberi” [#soci@lly free].

“The symbol @ used in the word ‘socialmente’ … signifies the ‘at’ that indicates closeness, proximity, contact, an intimate expression of freedom, to ‘keep’ in one’s heart,” Pope Francis wrote. “I wish all of you to be able to translate the hashtag of ‘soci@lmente’ by intelligently promoting actions and initiatives for the common good.”

The Pontiff also reflected on the manner in which Christ taught the people who listened to the Gospel.

“His authority comes from His personal involvement and His being the face and word of the Father in the vagaries of human existence: He has compassion for the people, He has the same sentiments of the people in front of Him, He does not look down on them from above; He makes their problems His own, He takes care of them,” Pope Francis wrote.