Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

New Trad Homeschool Program!

Credo, the new catechism by Bishop Schneider, will be the textbook for one of two new courses at Mary, Queen of the Home Academy, a new online Trad homeschool program designed for 11th and 12th graders. The program brings together the Avila Institute and Meaning of Catholic and is headed by the editor of OnePeterFive, Timothy Flanders as headmaster and instructor. The other course will be a survey course in Church history using City of God vs. City of Man by Flanders as a textbook.

Space is already filling up so register by January 4th for the Spring semester.

More classes to come next year will be announced this Spring. It is hoped by the founders that this program will assist parents in forming their young adult children as they enter into adult Catholic life.