Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Leading Ghana bishop: ‘You are blessing the people and not the union’ (Citi Newsroom (Accra))

In an interview, the president of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference discussed the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s declaration on blessing same-sex couples outside of the liturgy.

“Somebody asked if same-sex couples can also come to receive blessings, and the Pope said yes, just like any other Catholic goes to the priest for blessings or prayers,” said Bishop Matthew Kwasi Gyamfi of Sunyani. “We don’t ask what sin he is in or does, but once the person asks for blessings, you give the blessing, and it is an expression of humility.”

“What people do not understand is that if a gay couple goes to the priest to bless them, and the Pope says yes, you are blessing the people and not the union,” he continued. “We have different sets of prayers, different liturgies, and different blessings for marriage. But when they are coming for the normal, ordinary blessings that we give to everybody, they should all receive this blessing.”

Ghana, a West African nation of 33.1 million (map), is 73% Christian (16% Catholic), 18% Muslim, and 8% ethnic religionist.