Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope Francis tells Rome to clean up its act before 2025 Holy Year (Reuters)

Pope Francis concluded 2023 with the celebration of Vespers and the chanting of the Te Deum in St. Peter’s Basilica (video). For the second year in row, the Eucharistic exposition and adoration that customarily have been part of the year-end Vatican liturgy were omitted.

The Pope devoted most of his homily to Christian gratitude and hope—but also delivered pointed words about the city of Rome as it prepares for the 2025 Jubilee Year.

With Rome’s mayor in attendance, the Pope preached, “The charm of the historic center of Rome is perennial and universal, but it must also be possible for the elderly or those with motor disability to be able to enjoy it; and the ‘great beauty’ needs to correspond to simple decorum and the normal functionality of places and situations in ordinary, everyday life. Because a city that is more livable for its citizens is also more welcoming for everyone.”