Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

“Don’t Let the World Steal Your Purpose”: An Abortion Survivor’s Empowering Story of Hope & Healing

“Don’t let the world steal your purpose.”

This is what abortion survivor Carrie Fisher said in a Feb. 2019 interview with Special Books for Special Kids.

Even though the interview occurred more than four years ago, her message is one every person should hear.

Fisher suffers from several bodily health complications due to her mother’s failed abortion attempt. Some of these issues include facial paralysis on one side, vision problems, and asymmetrical legs.

However, despite her mother’s decision to abort her, she forgave her mother and they are best friends.

“I accept the things that she did and she accepts the things that I do, and we just love each other,” Fisher began.

She then explains that she forgave her mother because she was empathetic towards her situation.

“I was trying to relate to what she was going through at the time. She was a single parent, and already had two children–two small children. And she didn’t know how she was going to make it.”

“But what really made it easier to forgive her was she was very remorseful for it–very honest about it,” she continues.

She adds her sisters and brothers were normal and could perform normal activities.

“When I was a child, I hated myself…I didn’t like who I was or what I looked like. I was this ugly creature and I just wanted to hide. I was scared, even of my own self.”

The interviewer also asked, “When somebody hears your story, what is the number one thing you want them to learn?”

Fischer responds, “The one thing they learn is that you can overcome anything.”

Her mother explains that she very much “desired to love someone and to be loved by someone.” Fisher never thought she would find love, but did!

At the video’s conclusion, Fisher says“Don’t let what the world thinks take away or steal your purpose. Hold on, believe, and have confidence in who you are. Don’t give up. You have a purpose. You are worthy of love.”

Listen to Fisher’s powerful story below:

Click here if you cannot see the video above.

Let us pray for an end to abortion! Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for and protect the unborn!