Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope and Previous Pontiffs Clash on Marxism

VATICAN CITY ( – Pope Francis’ recent engagement with Marxist and socialist representatives has caused confusion and concern among faithful Catholics. 

Pope Francis meeting with DIALOP (Vatican Media)

On Wednesday, the pontiff met with members of a group called “DIALOP,” which fosters dialogue between people from secular and religious backgrounds, specifically between socialists/Marxists and Christians. 

According to the group’s website, DIALOP collaborates with universities and other educational entities and seeks to develop and implement aspects of social ethics, combining elements of Marxian social critique with the social doctrine of the Church.

In his address, Pope Francis warmly greeted the representatives, stating, “I am pleased to welcome you, the representatives of an organization committed to promoting the common good through dialogue between socialists/Marxists and Christians. A fine programme!” 

But the pope’s warm embrace of this initiative has highlighted the profound ideological divide between Marxism, with its history of disdain for all religions, and the core tenets of Christianity, which inherently contradict Marxist principles.

Critics view this meeting as a potential undermining of Christianity’s foundational values and a departure from the Church’s teachings on Marxism.

Previous Pontiffs on Socialism and Communism

The Catholic Church has been unequivocally opposed to all forms of Marxism since Marx first penned The Communist Manifesto in the mid-1800s.  

Pope Leo XIII, in his 1884 encyclical Humanum Genus, issued a stern warning against what he called “the monstrous doctrines of the socialists and communists.” He criticized these ideologies for attempting to overturn the religious and political order produced by Christian teaching and emphasized their inherent incompatibility with the Church’s principles.

Pope Pius XI, in the 1930s, also critically addressed the dangers of communism. In his encyclical Divini Redemptoris, he condemned communism for rejecting any sacred or spiritual character to human life and for its impact on the traditional family structure. He warned of the insidious nature of communist propaganda, which he described as “diabolical” and far-reaching.

In 1949, under Pope Pius XII, the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office issued a decree against communism, which excommunicated those who supported the “materialistic and anti-Christian teachings of communism.” This decree was a direct response to the increasing pressures exerted by communist regimes on the Church, particularly in Eastern Europe.

Communism is intrinsically evil.

Pope John Paul II, who had personal experiences with communist oppression in Poland, was particularly vocal against Marxism. His first encyclical published in 1979, Redemptor Hominis, set the stage for a papacy that would confront communism head-on. He viewed the struggle against communism as fundamentally spiritual and was clear in his message that communism is intrinsically evil.

This historical context highlights the striking contrast of Pope Francis’ recent engagement with Marxist representatives compared to the long-established position of the Church. His predecessors have consistently and unequivocally denounced communism and socialism as fundamentally incompatible with Christian teachings. 

In contrast, Pope Francis advocates a new approach, suggesting that the Church should actively engage with ideologies that are antithetical to its religious principles, and very existence. 

What the pope sees as “a fine programme,” namely, dialogue between Marxists and Christians, prompts the question: What is there to discuss when the parties involved desire each other’s total eradication? 

Many view this approach not just as unwise, but as a direct challenge to the very essence of the Church’s teachings and mission.