Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Adoration in Front of Detroit-Area Abortuary

DETROIT ( – One of Michigan’s oldest pro-life organizations is launching the new year with a procession and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

A holy hour will bring Jesus to the fight against abortion 

Pro-Life Michigan is hosting a holy hour on Saturday, Jan. 20 in front of an abortion mill called Northland Family Planning Center in Westland, Michigan. Local priest Fr. John Hedges will lead adoration from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Lynn Mills, director of the pro-life group, urged people from near and far to do everything they can to join in.

“Spread the word to people of good will,” she told Church Militant. “The babies desperately need our prayers.”

It’s not glamour or glitz.

Mills also asked for prayers for Pro-Life Michigan.

“As you know,” she reminded, “much of our work is done behind the scenes, and it’s not glamour or glitz.”

Fighting Malpractice

Some of the pro-life work to which the pro-life champion devotes herself is leveling complaints against malpracticing abortionists and abortuaries and teaching others how to do it.

Lynn Mills

The Pro-Life Michigan website lists possible violations of the Michigan Public Health Code (333.17015) and how to report them to the Michigan Department of Licensing.

A checklist of questions to determine complaint-worthy issues includes,

Did your doctor inform you of their name?
Did they talk to you about being coerced into this decision to have the abortion?
Were you told by them if you could withdraw your consent to the abortion at any time before the abortion?
Have you been harmed by an abortion doctor or a member of their staff?
Were you offered an opportunity to see your ultrasound if they performed an ultrasound?
Were there billing issues? and
Was a registered nurse present in the clinic?

Mills says she’s currently working on an “open formal complaint.” She can’t reveal too many details now, but says it’s the fourth complaint against “a baby killer here in this state of Michigan.”

Women are dead, damaged, or barren and in jail because of this person.

She adds:

They have had their license suspended in the past and been on probation at least three times. Their lawyer has deployed every stall tactic there is. … Women are dead, damaged, or barren and in jail because of this person. Families are destroyed and devastated for life. And they are playing games with the Licensing and Regulatory Affairs legal system.

The pro-lifer lauds Fr. Hedges, calling him a “hero.” “He is the only priest I know of in the archdiocese of Detroit that goes to any abortion dump regularly,” she noted. 

Fr. John Hedges led a Eucharistic procession of Our Lord
in Lansing, Michigan in 2022

“I am so grateful for bold priests like Fr. John Hedges for taking a stand for life in our world,” she emphasized. “Listen to his call to adore our Lord this Saturday in the Blessed Sacrament and obey!”

Power in the Blessed Sacrament

One pro-lifer who attends the pro-life events outside the Westland abortuary told Church Militant she looks forward to Fr. Hedges making powerful public presentations of the Blessed Sacrament. 

She attested:

I have witnessed Protestants drop to their knees as Fr. Hedges processes Jesus toward the abortion mill. I have also witnessed the “death-scorts” run in fear of Jesus in the monstrance, toward the building where the murders are happening.

It will be cold on Saturday, so please dress appropriately — but keep in mind it’s only for one hour and remember, in Christ alone is our hope. 

The Northland Family Planning abortuary is located at 35000 Ford Road in Westland, Michigan.

The Guttmacher Institute reports that 30 abortion facilities were operating in Michigan as of 2017, with tens of thousands of abortions performed each year in the state.

— Campaign 31877 —