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Tight Texas Poll for US Senate Seat

DETROIT ( – A new Texas U.S. Senate survey finds two-term incumbent Ted Cruz, R-Texas, headed toward a competitive general election, but the Texas political climate and other issues motivating voters will probably put Cruz in a strong position for a win come November. 

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas

Emerson College just released the results of its latest survey of 1,315 registered voters in Texas. The ballot test found Sen. Cruz leading  state Rep. Colin Allred (D-Dallas) by only a 42-40% margin, and holding a one-point lead — 41% versus 40% — over state senator Roland Gutierrez (D-San Antonio).

Simultaneously, former President Trump leads President Biden 49-41%, suggesting Sen. Cruz is underperforming for a Republican candidate.

Early money raised will be spent securing the party nomination instead of opposing Sen. Cruz.

The poll is not particularly surprising in that Sen. Cruz’s personal favorability numbers have never been phenomenal. Playing in the senator’s favor politically, however are:

Expected high presidential election turnout, which will help get Republicans to the polls
Trump beating Biden in the state
Biden energy policies harming Texas, and
The southern border controversy

All of these may play a role in closing the gap for Sen. Cruz.

Extreme Partisanship

The polling segmentation tells a typical story when a Democrat is pitted against a Republican, but the partisan breaks appear extreme in this instance.

State Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas, is polling
just two percentage points behind Sen. Cruz

While Hispanics typically favor Democrats, the division here is greater than we typically see. Within this cell, the respondents break for Rep. Allred over Sen. Cruz by a 50-26% margin. Young voters are way more inclined to back Allred — 41-25% for those under 30 and 41-30% for those between 30 and 39. Women also break solidly for Allred, 43-36%.

But the polling also shows that groups typically favoring Republicans also break to the extreme for Sen. Cruz. White voters favor Cruz by a 55-32% margin, beyond the usual partisan split we see within this demographic segment.

Sen. Cruz also enjoys stronger support among older voters, with age segments in their 50s, 60s, and 70s all favoring the incumbent over Allred by margins of 9 to 13 percentage points. Men, as well, are heavily in favor of Sen. Cruz, breaking 50-37% in his favor.

Big Money Will Disappear Quickly

Rep. Allred has already been one of the most prolific fundraisers in the 2024 election cycle. In his last quarterly financial disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Commission, Rep. Allred had raised $13.5 million through the Sept. 30 reporting deadline. Before the reports are due on Jan. 31, Allred has already announced that he raised an additional $4.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2023 and has $10 million remaining in his bank account.

Issues that are likely to motivate voters, however, will ultimately favor Sen. Cruz.

Rep. Allred’s problem is he will likely have to spend virtually all of his treasury just to win the Democratic nomination. With 12 candidates on the ballot, four of whom have a political base, it is probable that we will see no candidate receiving majority support on Feb. 5, meaning the top two finishers, of which Rep. Allred is likely to be one, will advance to a runoff election on May 28.

Regional Influences in Candidate Support

The Emerson poll also tested the Democratic primary — 460 self-identified Democratic voters. Rep. Allred is favored, but with only 29% support. Sen. Rolland Gutierrez is a distant second with 7%, while former Nueces County District Attorney Mark Gonzalez, at 6% preference, follows closely. A total of 37% of the Democratic respondents purport to be undecided.

Other state contenders for Texas’ U.S. Senate seat held by Sen. Cruz:
(L to R) Gutierrez, Gonzalez and Sherman

Rep. Allred’s problem is that Sen. Gutierrez has a political base in San Antonio and Mr. Gonzalez enjoys similar support in the Corpus Christi area. Another candidate who did not show particularly well in this poll but will likely garner at least a sliver of the vote, and right from Rep. Allred’s Dallas County base, is state representative and pastor Carl Sherman. He will begin to appear in polling once the campaign matures.

Therefore, with three Democratic opponents all taking votes from different geographic segments, the combined vote factor will likely be enough to keep Rep. Allred from winning the March 5 Super Tuesday Democratic primary outright. Therefore, the vast majority of early money raised will be spent securing the party nomination instead of opposing Sen. Cruz.

Cruz’s ‘Ace in the Hole’?

The incumbent’s political ace in the hole is likely the energy issue and the Biden administration’s stated desire to move the country away from oil and natural gas. This issue is primarily responsible for Republicans performing better among the large number of Hispanics who live and work in the energy-producing area of the state. Eventually, a larger share of this segment will likely move toward supporting Sen. Cruz as the campaign matures.

Therefore, it is likely that we will see many close Texas Senate polls between now and the November election. The state’s voter history and issues that are likely to motivate voters, however, will ultimately favor Sen. Cruz and allow him to win reelection with a relatively comfortable margin.

Jim Ellis, creator of The Ellis Insight website and senior political analyst for the Business-Industry Political Action Committee, analyzes and reports on U.S. electoral politics. He has a background in political consulting, managing political campaigns and action committees. Ellis is a regular speaker and media contributor on electoral topics, appearing on various radio shows and TV programs. He hosts Church Militant’s The Ellis Insight — a video podcast identifying emerging campaign and election trends.