Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Canonization approved for Canadian nun (Vatican Press Office)

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has approved a miracle through the intercession of Blessed Marie-Léonie Paradis, clearing the way for her canonization.

Born in Quebec in 1840, Virginia Paradis took her new name when she entered the Marianites of the Holy Cross. She taught at schools in Montreal, New York, Indiana, and New Brunswick. In 1880 she founded the Little Sisters of the Holy Family, who now run 200 educational institutions in Canada, the US, Italy, and central America. She died in Canada in 1912.

In other decrees issued on January 24, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints confirmed the martyrdom of Michal Rapacz, a Polish priest killed in 1946; and attested to the heroic virtues of:

Sebastian Gili Vives (1811-1894), a Spanish priest,
Gianfranco Maria Chiti,(1921—2004), an Italian Capuchin priest, and
Maddalena di Santa Teresa di Gesu Bambino (1918-1946), an Italian religious.