Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Latin Mass Celebrated Inside the Capitol of the United States

Above: the capitol building of the United States of America in Washington, DC.

Despite relentless pressure on Traditional Catholic communities by the Commies in Washington, the Traditional Latin Mass was celebrated at the Capitol just in time for Trump’s third run at the Presidency.

On Tuesday, Father Z posted a message he received from someone who attended a sung Mass for the Feast of Saint Raymond Peñafort – that wonder-working Dominican who rebuked an evil King – the same day at the United States Capitol in Washington D.C. Father Z stated that he was permitted to share the message, which recounts the goings-on in Washington, and the contents are striking.

The author of the message began the letter by saying:

The Capitol building and grounds wore a sullen air, almost of foreboding today, as a couple of dozen American Catholics gathered at the South entrance for the first Latin Mass to be celebrated there in living memory.

She added that “Capitol police were stationed everywhere” but that they seemed uninterested in the Mass. The impetus for the “secret” Mass celebration — which was organized by the Arlington Latin Mass Society — was a

personal invitation of Speaker Mike Johnson and Chairman Jim Jordan, to mark the one year anniversary of the release of an internal FBI memo smearing them and their families as ‘extremists’ and ‘domestic terrorists.’

An image of the program was provided to Father Z, and the program read:

We wish to thank Speaker Mike Johnson, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, and Congressman Dan Meuser, as well as their respective staffs, for their help in making today happen.

FBI against Tradition

A year ago, if you recall, a memo from the FBI was released that showed multiple FBI field offices were involved in the drafting of a memo targeting Catholics as potential domestic terrorists (see the analysis by The Federalist and OnePeterFive’s comments here).

Along with accusations of extremism and domestic terrorism, these communities were accused of “white supremacy.” One of the communities investigated was an SSPX community, which was of course started by Archbishop Lefebvre. Ironically, Lefebvre spent almost half of his life in Africa serving subsaharan Africans — a very strange thing for a white supremacist to do.

After the memo was released, the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, was brought before Congress to do some explaining — not popesplaining — but it seems he didn’t tell the full truth. As the author of the note given to Father Z states:

Christopher Wray repeatedly denied that Catholics were the subjects of the FBI’s criminal investigations. But the memos from Portland and Richmond belied Mr Wray’s testimony.

Standing room only

The Mass was so well attended that according to the note, it was “standing room only.” The identity of the priest was apparently kept from the congregation but it was known by all that their presence was “duly noted by the US intelligence apparatus.”

“Why was I there?” the author of the note wrote,

I flew in to DC expressly for this Mass in order to make a point to both the President of the United States who authorized this outrage against Catholics and to the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington [the leader of the “Trad Re-Education Camps“] from whom the celebration of this Mass was hidden, for fear of reprisals against the clergy present.

Appealing to her family history and patriotic love of the United States, she added that her own father “in whose veins ran the blood of the Roman Army,” was a combatant in World War II, and she was therefore inspired by his love of country and love of Tradition.

She concluded:

Gentlemen, I have a God-given right to worship as I see fit in this country that the men in my family risked their lives for. And your atavistic, power-mad impulses notwithstanding, I will do exactly that.

What does this mean?

It is a very strange thing that Traditional Catholicism is even on the radar of the Feds to begin with. We are told by the powers that be that Trads are but a minority in the Church, while paradoxically the brass in Rome see fit to crush that small minority because it is too influential.

There seems to be something about Marxists and Peronists and other types of dictators where they label their ideological enemies as insignificant, while at the same time doing everything they can to crush them. Who can forget when Justin Trudeau called the Truckers and their supporters a “fringe minority” before using the full weight of the Canadian parliament to crush the peaceful protest? (As luck would have it, finally the Canadian federal court has ruled on whether or not the government was justified in using veritable martial law powers, and happily the ruling was in the negative.)

In any event, as small and seemingly insignificant as the so-called Traditional Movement is, it is clearly making waves at the headquarters of the Free World, to the point where sitting politicians – even non-Catholic ones! – are willing to go out of their way to organize clandestine Masses for faithful Catholics.

I imagine this is not the first Mass that has been offered at the Capitol, but that a Traditional Mass was offered in that particular location cannot be without significance.

Without jumping on any bandwagon of “freedom” or “rights” — lest I be accused of Liberalism — there is a true Liberty that is owed by Divine Right to the one True Sacrifice that can only be offered legitimately by a true priest of Jesus Christ. Every capitol of every nation, moreover, must give these rights to the King of Kings.

We have seen prayer meetings in Washington, and I am sure that politicians appealing to their Evangelical base utter certain Scripture passages when opportunism knocks. I, for one, am not impressed when a heretic flexes his supposed Christianity in public. However, a traditional Mass being offered is something entirely different.

Say what you will about Donald Trump and his plethora of blunders, he is, of course, going to be the Republican nominee. And of course, all the powers of hell will be released in the lead-up to the election for fiery but “mostly peaceful” protests. Trump is not King David and he is not Constantine, but it cannot be denied that his people can at least stand the sight of you, unlike Biden’s FBI and cronies who would like to put you in a little box for the rest of your life until you figure out how many genders can dance on the head of a pin.

Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen, because this historic event at the Capitol may be something of an omen for a very interesting political period of which we are on the eve.