Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Pope sees ‘spirituality of mercy’ as key to evangelization (Vatican Press Office)

In a March 15 address to members of the Dicastery for Evangelization, which was meeting in plenary session, Pope Francis said that a “spirituality of mercy” is essential for bringing the faith to a secularized world.

The Pope said that a “loss of the sense of belonging to the Christian community” was responsible for secularization in many societies. He said that effective catechesis and the message of mercy could counteract that problem.

The Pope also urged prayerful preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, and thanked the members of the dicastery for their work in preparing for that Jubilee.

The Pope’s address was read by an aide, in keeping with the practice that the Pontiff has adopted for the past few weeks, as he continues to battle a respiratory ailment.