Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cardinal Zuppi pens new book, God Does Not Leave Us Alone (L’Osservatore Romano (Italian))

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi of Bologna, president of the Italian Episcopal Conference and the Pope’s special peace envoy for Ukraine, has written a new book, Dio non ci lascia soli: Riflessioni di un cristiano in un mondo in crisi [God Does Not Leave Us Alone: Reflections of a Christian in a World in Crisis].

Father Arturo Sosa, the superior general of the Society of Jesus, joined Cardinal Zuppi and Andrea Riccardi, the founder of the Community of Sant’Egidio, in presenting the book at its release.

We are called “to the hope of being able to create a better world: an awareness that must also be specific to the Church, capable of speaking to the heart and placing the ‘I’ in relation to the ‘we,’” Cardinal Zuppi said at the presentation. “If today peace becomes only a truce, it means that we have understood nothing about the generation of men and women who preceded us and who gave their lives” to eliminate conflicts.

Father Sosa added that Cardinal Zuppi’s book was not a treatise or a meditation, but a collection of pastoral experiences that began with the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), which Sosa described as the “springtime of the Church.”