Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

USCCB urges State Department not to tie foreign aid to support for gender ideology, abortion (USCCB)

The general counsel and associate general counsel of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have urged the State Department to modify its proposed nondiscrimination rules for foreign-aid contracts—rules whose ambiguity could be used to force grant recipients to facilitate abortion, homosexual activity, and transgender surgery.

“In the case of foreign assistance for the provision or facilitation of health care services, is there any application of the [regulations] that would require grantees or contractors to provide or facilitate gender transition procedures or abortions?” the USCCB attorneys asked. “In the case of foreign assistance for educational programs or activities, is there any application of the [regulations] that would compel grantees or contractors to teach contested theories about human sexuality and sexual difference?”

“We respectfully urge State to also ensure that the [proposed rules] honor religious liberty and avoid forcing harmful ideologies on sovereign states or their citizens as a price for the aid they need,” the attorneys wrote at the conclusion of their nine-page letter.