Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

English cardinal offers prayers for Princess of Wales after she reveals cancer diagnosis

LEICESTER, United Kingdom – Cardinal Vincent Nichols has offered his prayers to Britain’s Princess of Wales after she revealed she is receiving treatment for cancer.

In a video message released on Friday, Princess Kate, 42, said she wanted “to say thank you, personally, for all the wonderful messages of support and for your understanding whilst I have been recovering from surgery.”

The British princess has been facing scrutiny since she disappeared from public life after having abdominal surgery in January. Conspiracy theories were raised after a doctored photo of her and her children was released last week.

In her message, Kate explained the reason.

“The surgery was successful. However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment,” she said.

“It has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family, but I’ve had a fantastic medical team who have taken great care of me, for which I am so grateful,” the princess continued.

“This of course came as a huge shock, and [Prince] William and I have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family,” she said.

“As you can imagine, this has taken time. It has taken me time to recover from major surgery in order to start my treatment. But, most importantly, it has taken us time to explain everything to George, Charlotte and Louis in a way that is appropriate for them, and to reassure them that I am going to be ok,” the princess continued.

Kate said that having Prince William by her side is “a great source of comfort and reassurance too.”

“We hope that you will understand that, as a family, we now need some time, space and privacy while I complete my treatment. My work has always brought me a deep sense of joy and I look forward to being back when I am able, but for now I must focus on making a full recovery,” she said.

“At this time, I am also thinking of all those whose lives have been affected by cancer. For everyone facing this disease, in whatever form, please do not lose faith or hope. You are not alone,” the princess said.

In his statement, Nichols said he saluted “the courage of the Princess of Wales in speaking so openly about her personal health.”

“Not only does she give encouragement to all who carry the burden of ill health, but she also speaks so movingly of the importance of her family life. Her message will move many people to pray for her and her full recovery, as I certainly will do myself,” the cardinal said.

The news about Kate emerged just a short time after King Charles was diagnosed with cancer in January.

In a statement, Charles said he was “so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did” and has “remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks,” after they spent time in hospital together.

Kate’s brother-in-law Prince Harry and his wife Meghan sent their well-wishes to her following her announcement.

In a statement, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, said: “We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace.”

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