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Ukrainian Orthodox blast Russian Orthodox support for war (UOC (Ukrainian))

The leadership of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC), which has been traditionally tied to Moscow, has reacted strongly against a statement from the Moscow Patriarchate endorsing the Russian offensive in Ukraine.

The World Russian People’s Council, an initiative headed by Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, described the war in Ukraine as “the national liberation struggle of the Russian people against the criminal Kiev regime.” The group went on to say:

From a spiritual and moral point of view, a special military operation is a Holy War, in which Russia and its people, defending the single spiritual space of Holy Rus’, fulfill the mission of “Holding,” protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West, which has fallen into Satanism.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church reacted quickly by denouncing this statement as an “apology for violence,” which “cannot be supported by a religious organization that claims to be called Christian.”