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Cardinal says goal of upcoming Vatican human fraternity meeting is ‘renewed charter of humanity’ (Vatican News)

At a May 7 Vatican press conference, panelists discussed the Fratelli Tutti Foundation’s second World Meeting on Human Fraternity, which will take place on May 10 and 11.

Pope Francis, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, 30 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, economist Jeffrey Sachs, and Fiat CEO Olivier François are among the participants in the meeting, entitled #BeHuman. The event will conclude with a concert in St. Peter’s Square featuring country music singer Garth Brooks and other performing artists.

“We must bring intelligence back to discussing the human person in a world that is dissolving and marked by financial capitalism, by a technology that has become an end rather than a means, and by greed,” said Cardinal Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, OFM Conv, archpriest of St. Peter’s Basilica and president of the Fratelli Tutti Foundation.

L’Osservatore Romano reported that Cardinal Gambetti said that “the objective is to be able to offer the whole world a renewed ‘Charter’ of humanity, of the human, as also recalled by the title of the meeting: a charter that proposes an overcoming, an integration of that of human rights, often ignored, and that knows how to include all the reasons that ‘define us as human beings, starting from feelings.’”

The first World Meeting on Human Fraternity, held in June 2023, saw the signing of the Declaration on Human Fraternity and concluded with a sparsely attended five-hour event in St. Peter’s Square.