Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

How Pop Nietzscheanism Masquerades as Christianity

Some years ago I wrote a piece for
First Things
 entitled “
The Calvary Option
.” It took its cue from the 2014 movie
, which followed the last seven days in the life of a priest who knew that someone was planning to kill him. The killer wanted to do so as revenge for sexual abuse he had suffered as a child at the hands of the clergy. The twist was that he chose his victim because he was a good priest. He had not abused anybody. Once the priest knew he was the target, he faced a choice: flee, or stay and be a good pastor to his parishioners, many of whom despised him. He chose to stay and fulfill his obligations, and in the end he was killed for it. I commented at the time that one might also call this “the traditional pastoral work in an ordinary congregation option.” 

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