Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Holy See: The Church’s freedom is for the good of Vietnamese society (Vatican News)

The Vietnam – Holy See Joint Working Group met in Hanoi on May 18—the first meeting since last July’s agreement that paved the way for the appointment of the first resident papal representative in Vietnam since 1975.

“While reaffirming the freedom of the Church to carry out its mission for the good of the whole of society, [participants] noted that the Catholic community in Vietnam will continue to be inspired by the Magisterium of the Church regarding the practice of ‘living the Gospel in the world’ and being, at the same time, good Christians and good citizens,” according to a statement issued after the meeting.

“The two sides had a broad and thorough exchange of views,” the statement added. “The meeting was characterized by an atmosphere of cordiality, frankness and mutual respect.”