Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

USCCB will oppose any bill that expands abortion funding, pro-life chairman tells Congress (USCCB)

In a recent letter to congressional leaders, the chairman of the US bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities called for “improvements and investments in maternal and child health and child care, strengthening the Child Tax Credit, a paid parental leave policy, fully funding the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), and more.”

“The USCCB remains opposed to any efforts to expand taxpayer funding of abortion, especially if the Hyde Amendment or any other longstanding, life-saving appropriations policies were to be stripped from the annual appropriations bills,” he continued. “The USCCB will oppose any bill that expands taxpayer funding of abortion, including any appropriations bill.”

“We strongly encourage Congress in the appropriations process to also counter the Administration’s aggressive and overreaching moves of the past two years that facilitate and promote access to elective abortion,” he added.

Bishop Burbidge’s letter followed a separate letter that encouraged Congress to enact legislation that addresses “the maternal health crisis in our country.”