Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cupich Upholds Election Steal

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Last week, on the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Capitol protest, Democrats claimed again the so-called insurrection was one of the worst events in American history. Church Militant’s Joe Gallagher tells us about Chicago’s leftist cardinal perpetuating Democrat lies about the 2020 election.

Kamala Harris, unelected vice president: “Democracy simply will not stand.”

Last week, progressive Catholics joined with Democrats to decry the alleged Jan. 6 “insurrection.” Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago weighed in on Twitter: “We should all agree that those who instigated and participated in such anti-democratic crimes should be held accountable.”

So far, more than 700 people have been arrested in connection to storming the Capitol — with most only being charged with trespassing. Some Jan. 6 protesters are still being held in solitary confinement. There are whispers of torture and abuse by guards.

Cupich also commented: “The lies that led many millions to believe the falsehood that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ must end. We must also be vigilant and resist all attempts to restrict voting rights.”

Priest of Chicago archdiocese: “How is Cdl. Cupich an expert of any sort on the topic of election fraud or election integrity? His weighing in a year and a half after the 2020 election on this topic, as if he has something new to add to the conversation, is just laughable.”

Fr. James Altman: “You cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat — period.”

Leftist Catholics also slammed Fr. James Altman for speaking out against the Democrat Party in a now-viral video from 2020.

Faithful Catholics are wondering what the United States would be like if bishops were as outspoken about Catholic moral teachings as they are about Democrat talking points.

The Catholic Left is also claiming there’s dark money being used to support Jan. 6 protesters. They made no such complaints about George Sorosfunded judges and politicians in recent elections.

— Campaign 32075 —