Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Dirty Dealing at Davos

DAVOS, Switzerland ( – The founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum (WEF) showered praise Tuesday on Xi Jinping, the authoritarian leader of China.

Xi Jinping

During his opening speech at this year’s Davos Summit, Klaus Schwab fawned over the totalitarian leader for the economic progress his communist country made in the previous year. Schwab ignored the plethora of terrifying human rights violations — past and ongoing — Jinping’s country is perpetrating. 

Addressing Jinping directly, Schwab said: “China has made significant economic and social achievements under your leadership. For the first three-quarters of 2021 China’s economy grew by over 9%. You have achieved a historic goal to become a moderately prosperous society in all respects.”

Twisted Admiration

But many are not comfortable with the kudos the globalist granted the oppressive dictator.

China has taken a sharp U-turn toward control and oppression of its own people.

Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute and a witness to horrific population control policies of communist China, told Church Militant: “It’s frightening to learn how much the oligarchs of the West like Klaus Schwab admire the oligarchs of the East like Xi Jinping.” 

Mosher explained why globalists like Schwab gush over him:

They admire his COVID-zero polities of locking up anyone even suspected of having the illness. They admire his ongoing persecution of Catholics and Christians and wish they could eliminate them from society in the same way. Most of all, they admire his firm grasp on political power, unrestrained by such things as periodic elections. He is, in all these senses and more, a role model for these wannabe dictators.

Mosher is certainly not alone in his critique of Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party.

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Exclusive Interview: Dr. Steven Mosher

Exactly one year ago, Mike Pompeo, then U.S. Secretary of State, spoke of the “free world” overlooking the crimes against humanity committed in communist China.

Pompeo concluded:

The Chinese Communist Party, like other authoritarian regimes, has never cherished human life. That’s clear from the well-known horrors the party inflicted on the Chinese people during the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square massacre and the decades of repression of Tibetans and Falun Gong practitioners.

Yet the free world has become dangerously inured to this bloody history. So long as we remain silent, party elites will continue to commit human rights abuses against the people of China with impunity. We cannot allow this cycle of evil to continue.

In 2020, Pompeo spoke to the deterioration of human rights especially for religious believers under Jinping’s “autocratic rule”:

Credible reports have exposed the Chinese Communist Party’s program of forced sterilizations and abortions of Muslims in Xinjiang, its abuse of Catholic priests and laypeople, and its assault on Protestant house churches — all of which are parts of a “Sinicization” campaign to subordinate God to the Party while promoting Xi himself as an ultramundane deity.

In 2018, then-Vice President Mike Pence aptly summed up the situation in China in a speech at the Hudson Institute, a conservative American think tank: “For a time, Beijing inched toward greater liberty and respect for human rights. But in recent years, China has taken a sharp U-turn toward control and oppression of its own people.”

Collusion: China, the Vatican, Pfizer, Schwab

Klaus Schwab

Mosher’s observation that “oligarchs of the West like Klaus Schwab admire the oligarchs of the East like Xi Jinping” is backed up by recent bombshell revelations by Church Militant’s Rome correspondent Jules Gomes.

Gomes is investigating an international web of deceit involving communist China, Pope Francis, Pfizer and Schwab’s WEF. It entails China secretly funneling to the Vatican billions of dollars in exchange for Pope Francis’ pushing of the jab — all as part of the Great Reset.

The Rome correspondent pieced together information revealed by exiled China businessman Guo Wengui, who confirmed the Vatican has received $1.6 billion in bribes every year from China since 2014, and additional details continue coming to light.

In explaining this complex web of international deceit, Gomes connects dots between communist China and Pfizer, and between both Pfizer and China and Schwab.

The Vatican has received $1.6 billion in bribes every year from China since 2014.

Gomes admits the locus of this story is hard to identify given the scope of international players. But he maintains “the center is the plutocracy and at the heart of the plutocracy is one man — Klaus Schwab.”

The dots Gomes is beginning to connect corroborates journalist Ed Pentin’s recent report about two meetings between Pope Francis and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in 2021, the substance of which have not been revealed to the public.

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The Vortex: Catholic COVID Conspiracy

It may also explain the Vatican’s vehement top-down pushing of the jab onto Catholics worldwide — from the bishops to the parishes, from the parishes to the people, accompanied by the blasphemous propaganda that Jesus would take the jab.

‘Infernal Ideology’

What is coming to light is congruent with Abp. Carlo Maria Viganò’s appeal to prelates worldwide just months ago. Viganò urged them to alert their flocks to the physical dangers of the so-called vaccine as well as to the plot to impose a global reset through the controls associated with a mandatory jab.

The archbishop wrote: 

I realize that it may be extremely unpopular to take a position against the so-called vaccines, but as shepherds of the flock of the Lord, we have the duty to denounce the horrible crime that is being carried out, whose goal is to create billions of chronically ill people and to exterminate millions and millions of people, based on the infernal ideology of the “Great Reset” formulated by the president of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and endorsed by institutions and organizations around the world.

The silence of so many cardinals and bishops, along with the inconceivable promotion of the vaccination campaign by the Holy See, represents a form of unprecedented complicity that cannot continue any longer. It is necessary to denounce this scandal, this crime against humanity, this satanic action against God.

Ordinary Catholics, too, are becoming better able to connect the dots, in this case between Schwab’s flattery of a communist tyrant and the Vatican’s pushing of the jab. As St. Paul reminded, we see through a mirror darkly, but eventually, we will see the light.

— Campaign 31877 —