Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Vax Segregation

Washington, D.C., has some of the most restrictive lockdown measures in the country. If you don’t present a vaccine passport, don’t expect to be welcomed into public spaces.

For tonight’s In-Depth Report, Church Militant’s Trey Blanton was in D.C. on Sunday to cover a rally resisting these tyrannical mandates.

Americans from across the country descended on our nation’s capital to protest harmful vaccine mandates.

Kari Bundy, translations coordinator, Children’s Health Defense: “Almost 11 years ago, my son was 4 months old, and he went in for routine vaccinations. I questioned the vaccinations, but I felt very pressured to give them to him after a conversation with the doctor. And after he received those vaccines, he died four days later.”

Tens of thousands marched from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial.

Scott Macleod, fireman, Washington, D.C.:

So you go into work right now with the testing all the time and questioning whether or not we’re going to get an answer from the city and how our job is: It’s really added to the stress. It just kind of wears you down a little bit more — puts a couple of years on your life while you’re trying to get something done.

Prominent doctors and scientists injected a bit of truth back into science.

Dr. Richard Urso, America’s Frontline Doctors: “And we are not one doctor. We are 17,000 doctors. That’s more than the National Institutes of Health, more than the Centers for Disease Control and more than the Food and Drug Administration.”

Dr. Lynn Fynn, America’s Frontline Doctors: “Masks, lockdowns and other restrictions have caused great harm, especially in our children.”

One doctor described the heartache of not being able to treat COVID patients effectively.

Dr. Paul Marik, formerly of Eastern Virginia Medical School: “So I stood, helplessly, watching my patients die because I was not allowed to treat them.”

And Doctor Robert Malone inspired the crowd with some words from a doctor of the Church.

Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines: “Saint Augustine, a doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, famously said, ‘The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it’ll defend itself.'”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hosted the event and has been fighting against unsafe vaccines for decades.

Kari Bundy: “Mr. Kennedy is just a champion for children. He loves children and just wants to protect them from this tyrannical government overreach.” 

The science does not lie. Do not comply.

The common thread among the doctors was that Big Pharma had bought and paid for the major government organizations to promote expensive vaccines over cost-effective treatments.