Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Cardinal Cupich calls for ‘bold embrace’ of Laudato Si’ in US (Journal of Moral Theology)

The Journal of Moral Theology has published the keynote address delivered by Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago at a 2021 conference on Laudato si’, the papal encyclical on care for our common home.

The encyclical, he said, needs to “be understood as a renewed call to conversion, to respond to Jesus’s invitation to think differently about human beings, life, society, and our relationship with nature.”

“The first conversion,” he continued, “involves a shift that affects our politics by moving from an economic model of development to one that emphasizes integral human development. A second conversion leads us to become more aware of the interconnectedness of creation and the need for global solidarity through ecological education that is both informational and formational. A third conversion, which is fundamentally spiritual, provides us both passion and motivation in taking up the challenges we face.”