Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Big Pharma Covering Its Tracks?

DETROIT ( – Big Pharma giant Pfizer has released a baleful warning to the general public about “deep vein thrombosis” — a condition involving blood clots.

After explaining the symptoms of deep vein thrombosis, Pfizer said on Twitter Monday, “Contact your doctor if experiencing symptoms — this is no time to wait.”

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition in which a blood clot forms in a deep vein and travels to the lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism, a blockage of blood flow that can be deadly. Without mentioning its so-called COVID vaccine or listing its products’ potential adverse effects, Pfizer merely informed anyone experiencing trouble breathing or chest pain to contact a medical professional immediately.

Deep vein thrombosis (#DVT), a blood clot in a deep vein, can travel to the lungs, leading to a pulmonary embolism (#PE). Symptoms of PE include difficulty breathing and chest pain. Contact your doctor if experiencing symptoms — this is no time to wait.

— Pfizer Inc. (@pfizer) February 14, 2022

Many reacting on Twitter, however, attributed heart issues and other medical problems to be the product of the jab.

Comedian and author Tim Young commented, “Cool warning … While we’re here … what could be causing an uptick in deep vein thrombosis cases? Any ideas?”

Warning Repeated on Pfizer Site

In a statement posted to its website, Pfizer also warned individuals about the seriousness of DVT/PE issues:

Right now, people may be weighing a decision to visit a health care provider. However, symptoms like swelling, pain, tenderness or redness in the leg, thigh or pelvis can possibly be related to a potentially serious condition such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). It’s critical to not brush off these symptoms.

Pfizer also announced a campaign to raise awareness about DVT/PE, stating, “The Bristol Myers Squibb–Pfizer Alliance recently launched the No Time to Wait campaign in part to raise awareness of the symptoms of DVT/PE. Seeking medical attention early may help reduce the chance of DVT or PE becoming more serious.”

CDC Issues Its Own Clot Warning

Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began to warn Americans about blood clots. Similar to Pfizer, the CDC did not explicitly say the so-called vaccination might cause heart complications.

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News Report: Pandemic of the Jab

The CDC posted on Twitter, “Everyone is at risk for blood clots! Even the healthiest athletes get blood clots, so it is important for EVERYONE to know the warning signs and how to decrease their risk.”

#DYK that anyone can develop a blood clot? Whether you’re an athlete or a fan, don’t let a blood clot ruin the big game this weekend. Learn how to protect your health:

— CDC (@CDCgov) February 10, 2022

The tweet linked to a page on the CDC website explaining the effects of “venous thromboembolism” — the medical term for blood clots. The CDC warns “10 to 30% of people will die within one month of diagnosis.”

Young, Healthy Athletes Dropping

An alarming number of high-level athletes collapsing, fainting or suffering heart issues recently has sparked vaccine skepticism. Conservative author Vox Day published a list of young athletes dying or undergoing near-fatal experiences in the middle of competing. The list contains 17 athletes and two referees who have either died or collapsed from health complications during, before or after competing.

The CDC began to warn Americans about blood clots. 

Vox Day opined, “This isn’t normal. This isn’t even remotely normal. And it’s all a complete mystery to the medical community, which is totally unable to connect obvious cause and effect because it is paid to avoid doing so.” 

A compilation of the mainstream media coverage of the listed athletes and others who have encountered dangerous health conditions has circulated around social media.

Journalist Kristi Leigh attacked the CDC for not characterizing blood clots as an effect of the COVID vaccine, asking, “Remember when saying they would normalize adverse side effects was a conspiracy theory?”

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