Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Battles Everywhere


The recent crackdowns and overreaching by governments around the world (you listening, Canada?) are just proof of how far man has strayed from God.

These brutal tactics of beating the garbage out of people with excessive force, trampling them with horses, setting the dogs loose on them, tear-gassing them and a host of other immoral government actions are showing the world just how desperate the Left is becoming.

But cracking down on human rights (which, by the way, come from God, since we are made in His image — the imago Dei), all of this is really just the first step in smashing all rights.

When phony Catholic Justin Trudeau ordered the shutting down of citizens’ bank accounts — citizens who disagreed with him over his COVID mandates — it became clear that something far greater was at play here than just a bunch of trucks blocking streets in Ottawa.

The world is becoming increasingly aware of the spiritual war.

The same was, and is, true all over Europe, a continent that has a history of brutality, violence and denial of rights — all in the name of peace and order. 

Cristian Terheș is a member of the European Parliament, representing Romania and the Christian-Democratic National Peasants’ Party. He’s a human rights advocate as well as a Greek Catholic priest and a longtime follower of Church Militant.

Terheș has asked for and received permission from his bishop to temporarily cease his public ministry as a priest so that he can dedicate himself to human rights activism at the European Parliament.

He still practices his priesthood — his daily prayers, Mass and so forth — in private. But his work is now specifically aimed at preventing an even greater steamrolling of human rights. In addition to the Great Reset, Terheș sees a “great awakening” building in opposition.

And to watch that full interview with Terheș, click on the provided link.

The entire world, it seems, is becoming increasingly aware of the great spiritual war — battles breaking out everywhere. And, given the reality that it is a spiritual war, what is especially noteworthy is the generals for the peasants have deserted them.

Not always, but frequently throughout history, the Church has been on the side of the downtrodden, the poor, the peasants, the common man.

Now, in almost every theater of the spiritual war there is, Church leaders have sided against the common man. The hierarchy has placed itself squarely on the wrong side of history, and that will have disastrous consequences.

If the world doesn’t end first, all this tyranny will come to an end. It always does.

When the dust has settled, the peasants who will be left will pick their heads up and see the Church as their enemy, leaders who sided with the tyrants and were part of the great oppression, because, speaking in plain terms, the goal of the Great Reset is just that — a great oppression.

The only way to win Heaven is to die fighting.

This is the great crime of the Francis pontificate. While claiming to be for the poor and the marginalized and the castaways and all that, Francis’ Vatican actually sides with the forces crushing those very people.

Whether Pope Francis himself is aware of all this and is acting deliberately with malice, conscious everything he is doing is in concert with these worldly demonic forces, or whether he is just a dupe being used by them because he is malformed in the Faith and crippled in his intellectual and spiritual ability to recognize the truth of the matter, all of that is for God to decide.

What we do know is that this papacy and the Church’s present institutional earthly structure are set against the little man — while giving the impression of the exact opposite.

But the day of reckoning always comes — even for popes and Vatican officials. When that day does arrive, they will see that they were on the wrong side of these battles. While that is a sadness — frequently a deep sadness — for faithful, believing Catholics, it must simply be acknowledged and processed, and then the battle must be rejoined.

The only way to win Heaven is to die fighting — and fighting on the correct side.