Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Resist and Restore

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Resistance is carrying out its mission in the trenches — to restore Christendom one soul at a time. It has come a long way since its humble beginnings. Church Militant’s James Fedewa takes a look at where Resistance has been and where it’s going.

In the early days, Church Militant’s focus was explaining the Catholic faith, but it quickly saw the need to galvanize believers who could combat abuses in the Church. In response, it launched Resistance, but it never fully developed until Joe Gallagher, who grew up around the apostolate, officially came on board in 2019.

Joe Gallagher, senior Resistance coordinator: “In the first month of being here, I just lasered in on it because of the value I saw.” 

Laser-sharp focus has birthed protests at abortion clinics and the active promotion of November’s “Bishops: Enough Is Enough” rally. It has also sparked letter-writing campaigns in defense of sex abuse victims, boot camps for members and informative podcasts. But perhaps its biggest achievement is inspiring Catholics’ pursuit of holiness.

Alex Karzon, Resistance coordinator: “Our motivation should come from our love and zeal for the Faith and for Jesus Christ.” 

In two short years, Resistance has grown to 6,500 members, with chapters in every diocese across the United States, plus representation in Canada. Despite explosive growth, Gallagher shares it’s the smallest achievements that bring him the most joy.

Gallagher: “So the satisfaction is seeing the micro-gains … one soul; one person removed from office who’s doing horrible, evil, corrupt things. That’s what brings the most joy because that shows progress.”

Progress that he hopes will lead to broader changes in the public sphere, from local school boards to Congress, as Resistance strives to take back America and our Faith — one soul at a time.

Sign up to become a Resistance member, and check out the Resistance podcast by visiting There you’ll also discover the New Catacombs, a recently added initiative for persecuted priests to report corruption in the hierarchy.

— Campaign 31877 —