Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Biden’s Blood Money

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The fake Catholic in the Oval Office is ratcheting up funding for research using body parts from aborted children. As Church Militant’s Kim Tisor tells us, millions will be spent to retrieve and transplant livers and other organs, all in the name of “science.” 

EWTN reporter: “Why support abortion?”

President Joe Biden: “I’m not going to make a judgment for other people.”

A staggering $88,000,000 — that’s how much Joe Biden is expected to spend this fiscal year on gruesome research fueled by abortions.

It was an animal rights group that made the discovery. The White Coat Waste Project reviewed NIH data and discovered Biden’s chief medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is funding most of the projects through the institute he oversees.

One of the projects involves implanting mice with minced pieces of fetal bone marrow, liver and thymus. Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden reveals testing with aborted baby parts is nothing new. At the University of Pittsburgh, where scientists sewed baby scalps to lab rats, baby-part barbarism dates back a century.

Over the decades, Republican presidents have tried to halt funding for barbaric research — only to have Democrat presidents resurrect it. Trump slashed funding for fetal-tissue research after undercover video exposed Planned Parenthood selling baby parts.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola, senior director of medical services, Planned Parenthood: “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver — because we know that, so I’m not going to crush that part.”

The video also inspired Trump to establish a bioethics advisory board to help limit funding for research using aborted babies. But Biden killed it. With all of the available images, video and data, one wonders if there’s anything that can direct Biden toward a similar pro-life revelation. 

In 2020, all of the top-10 NIH-funded institutions received grants for fetal tissue research. Dr. Bill Yates, a University of Pittsburgh professor, last month called the research involving aborted babies “irreplaceable.”

— Campaign 32075 —