Reflections on life, meaning and purpose

Young Catholics Neglected


For more than 50 years, there has been a crisis of catechesis in the Church. Priests and bishops have been substituting Church teaching for a worldly gospel, and the young are starved of the truth.

Now, “Gen Z” is losing the Faith. Church Militant’s Trey Blanton gives us some shocking numbers from a new study.

Trust in the Church and Her teachings is tanking among those aged 13–25, described as Generation Z. A new report by the left-leaning Springtide Research Institute claims youths are more disconnected from the Church than ever. It alleges that:

52% say they “do not like to be told answers about faith and religion and [that they] discover their own answers”
54% “don’t believe some of the things [they] hear talked about at religious gatherings”
42% “don’t turn to faith communities due to a lack of trust in the people, beliefs and systems of organized religion”

The report’s segment on the so-called values gap claims young Catholics are overwhelmingly in favor of immoral leftist doctrines — buzzwords like LGBT rights, gender equality, immigration, reproductive rights and racial justice.

But, for years, people of all demographics have been walking away from the Church. A 2009 Pew Forum study showed that nearly half of Catholics who have walked away from the Church have done so because of Church teaching.

Pope Francis’ Synod on Synodality is his way for the Church to move forward in the 21st century. But the numbers show fewer and fewer people walking with the Church.

There’s been a catechism crisis since the 1960s. At the dawn of Vatican II, many priests told the faithful the Church was changing Her teachings.